€27,00 EUR

Evolution Revolution

A deeper KIND of conversation is coming .. 

In a world of fast everything, it is understandable that often ..you feel disconnected.

In your relationships. In struggling to express yourself effectively. In facing challenges, in inspiring or motivating yourself or others!

Well, one thing I certainly see every day is this. You're not alone.

In today's fast-paced world, effective communication is more critical than ever, yet .. many of us find ourselves grappling with communication barriers that hinder our personal and professional growth.

That's why we're starting a movement.

This is the deepest difference.
Because it's time for a revolution in our evolution.

It's the next step in us evolving as a species. As humans wanting to connect.
To communicate at a much deeper level.

I want to share what I have discovered over the past decade.
This is what most miss. This is what makes all the difference.

It's a movement, it's a new powerful way of communicating.

The next evolvement in our communication.

My question for you is this ...
What would change if you had this natural ability to communicate 93% deeper and more impact-fully than those around you? How would your world change? What about your business?!!

EVOLUTION REVOLUTION is this deeper KIND of conversation...
where you will discover the power of your subconscious communication.

Join us for this Virtual 3 Day MasterClass at 7pm each eve.

I'm excited to see you on the inside,
Danielle x


Danielle Serpico..

Is your NLP Master Trainer, Hypnotist, MindCoach, Author of The BlackBelt MasterMind Book

& CEO Founder of The BlackBelt MasterMind Academy & The MasterMind Method tm

With over 30 years experience in business, start-ups, entrepreneurship, managing, coaching and mentoring, with regular speaking events on various stages, Training and Workshops & private consultations, Danielle is the expert on communication inside and out.

She will help you rediscover your ‘winning’ mind-set, overcome any obstacles or limiting beliefs and show you how to go after your dreams so that you can WIN in your life.

As a BlackBelt and European Champion her favourite quote, ‘A blackbelt is simply a white belt who never gave up’, resonated with her, and she made the decision to become the blackbelt of her own mind.

Now she teaches others how they too can do the same.

With the help of cutting edge neuro-science and effective communication skills,

you too can learn the magical art of NLP and the language of persuasion.

Her teachings have evolved further with her understanding of subconscious communication, and now she is sharing this movement, this deeper shift in the way's we can communicate much more effectively than ever before.